Vivino’s 2017 Wine Style Awards recognize the best wines on the planet.

This year’s winning wines were determined by Vivino’s community of 21 million users and the millions of wine ratings they’ve submitted over the past year.
Our Blanc de Monsieur Henri ranked #2 as Best White Bordeaux, just below the famous Y from Château d’Yquem


Here is the complete top 10:

1. Y de Château d’Yquem 2014
2. Le Blanc de Monsieur Henri 2015
3. Blanc de Lynch-Bages 2013
4. Château Carbonnieux, Grand Cru Classé 2011
5. Château de Cérons, Grand Enclos 2011
6. Château Guiraud, Le G de Guiraud 2013
7. Clos des Lunes, Lune Blanche 2013
8. Château Haut Guillebot 2014
9. Château de Chantegrive, Cuvée Caroline 2014
10. Cheval Quancard, Cuvée Clémence 2014


Thanks all Vivino users for your love!! Cheers!!
